Monday, February 13, 2012

Spring time...I'm ready already!

As I sat in front of my work room window on Saturday; there was a beautiful thin blanket of snow on the ground and I was really needing some sunshine.  I had just received a new shipment of spring wreath supplies in and I couldn't hardly wait to get started.  YES, I HAVE SPRING FEVER!!! So, I managed to put the mesh together on 4 spring colored wreaths.  I love the spring time when the birds are nesting and the frogs are croaking......and you smell the grills in the neighborhood lighting for the first burger of the summer!  Yep,  I am ready for spring already!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Popular Demand

I have been asked many, many times, if I do any wreaths for birth announcements...."It's a boy" or "It's a girl."  I wanted to do something that could not only be used outside for the announcement, but could also be used in the nursery. So, I decided to write the child's name on the other side of the sign.  This wreath can be purchased for $30.00.  The girl's wreath will be heartshaped and the boys wreath round.  I can make them in the traditional pink and blue or it may be made to match the babies nursery.

This is a very special time for parents.  It is so exciting to come home with something on the door that tells the world that you are celebrating the birth of a child!

Now...I go cheer on the CATS!!!  GO BIG BLUE!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Such a rewarding day.

Today I write in PINK to show respect for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Relay For Life is just around the corner and a dear friend of mine in Bowling Green, Ky asked me to do a wreath to raffle.  We put our heads together in about a 3 minute conversation and this is the finished product.  I loved doing this wreath.  As I worked on it, I thought about many people that I know who are survivors of breast cancer and I thought of all the trials that came with this disease.  The initial waiting for the diagnosis and all the tests that you have to endure only to get that "C" word placed in your lap.  I can't even begin to imagine the horror of emotions that you go thru. The words that go along with the theme of the wreath are such "high impact" next wreath will say "SURVIVOR"!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just an average day in the shop!

Today is starting off to be a very busy day!  I am making wreaths of all varieties today.  4 UK, 1 Ashland Tomcat, 1 Dallas Cowboy and a burlap.  I love getting to be home 2 days to work and create in my little shop.  I had another lady pull in my driveway this week and order wreaths.  Word "travels" fast.  LOL!  I am posting a Tennessee wreath.  Now, all of UK fans need to understand....I BLEED BLUE....but in this business, you have to be very open minded and meet the needs of your customers....and I aim to please.  Have a great day and come by again!

Sweet Pickle

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy Day!

Today I write in BLUE because it is UK wreaths and yard signs allllll daaaay....LOL. However, I am headed to New Beginnings Salon at 10:30 for a much needed haircut and color!!!  Wow, it grows so fast!
Funny story:  So, my husband Greg is out in the yard mulching some leaves and a little lady drives by and says "Is this where the lady lives that makes those beautiful wreaths?"  Greg tells her yes, as she admires the UK wreath on my front door.  Come to find out, she had knocked on the door of a girl that I worked with and the girl gave her my phone number and the AREA, not the address, of where I lived....this lady drove down the streets of the area until she found a door with a wreath like I make on it!  I LOVE IT! 
I got a message on facebook from a neighbor friend that I lived across the street from in Paintsville.  She wanted to know if I could do a Tennessee wreath!  Of course I can!  But can I really?  Is that being a traitor!  Naaaah!  I can enjoy that beautiful orange wreath without losing one ounce of loyalty to the BIG BLUE MACHINE!  Happy Wednesday blogger fans!!!

Sweet Pickle

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Wow!  I have been a busy lady!  Soooo many UK fans out there!  I made 4 UK wreaths on Friday and delivered them.....more orders coming in every day!  YAY!  It has been over a week since I have blogged.  Every free minute I have had, I have spent so much time playing with my new is much harder than I expected to get everything to look just like I want it to.  I am displaying a few of the items that I have worked on this past week.  These items will be displayed at Stuckys Merle Norman in Morehead, but can be ordered.
I made a few Valentine's Day items for those of you who "Love" the day!  After all, love is what makes the world go round!