Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Such a rewarding day.

Today I write in PINK to show respect for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Relay For Life is just around the corner and a dear friend of mine in Bowling Green, Ky asked me to do a wreath to raffle.  We put our heads together in about a 3 minute conversation and this is the finished product.  I loved doing this wreath.  As I worked on it, I thought about many people that I know who are survivors of breast cancer and I thought of all the trials that came with this disease.  The initial waiting for the diagnosis and all the tests that you have to endure only to get that "C" word placed in your lap.  I can't even begin to imagine the horror of emotions that you go thru. The words that go along with the theme of the wreath are such "high impact" next wreath will say "SURVIVOR"!!!

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