Monday, December 26, 2011

The day after!

This has been the  best Christmas ever!  Our kids (Emily-23, Caleb-20 and Braxton-15) were all here and we had a priceless 2 days!  We ate til our hearts were content, played games and opened an abundance of gifts.  Most of all, we felt love and peace in our home.  We are so blessed!

After days of family, friends and lots of good is all over.  I have taken down 2 trees and cleaned up the sign of Christmas at the Pickle house.

I received an early Christmas was a Cricut Expression 2...I can't wait to play around with it and see what I can create.  I have made 4 UK serving platters and toy boxes for my Great Niece and Nephew.  I will be posting all of my "gift" items, along with the price and ordering instructions.

Hope to hear from you soon!
Johnna Pickle

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