Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Back to the grind!

Well, my vacation is quickly getting away from me and I haven't worked much! Sooooo, today I light the fire again and get some orders filled.  Yes, believe it or not, a few people still have money and have placed some after Christmas orders.

"Everything UK" is headed to Morehead to my mom's shop (Stuckys Merle Norman).  I am going to practice with my Cricut a little more.  I bought the neatest tin trash can that I will be working on today.  I'll take pics of it and post it when it is finished.  Also, I will be personalizing plates, wine glasses and anything else that you might want your initials or monogram on.  I think that if I can get the hang of this machine that I am really going to like it!  It is harder than it looks.....and truthfully, one of my strengths IS NOT patience!  LOL! 

Have a blessed day!

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