Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Back to the grind!

Well, my vacation is quickly getting away from me and I haven't worked much! Sooooo, today I light the fire again and get some orders filled.  Yes, believe it or not, a few people still have money and have placed some after Christmas orders.

"Everything UK" is headed to Morehead to my mom's shop (Stuckys Merle Norman).  I am going to practice with my Cricut a little more.  I bought the neatest tin trash can that I will be working on today.  I'll take pics of it and post it when it is finished.  Also, I will be personalizing plates, wine glasses and anything else that you might want your initials or monogram on.  I think that if I can get the hang of this machine that I am really going to like it!  It is harder than it looks.....and truthfully, one of my strengths IS NOT patience!  LOL! 

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Busy day ahead!

Today I should have a pretty busy day.  I am off until after the new year, but plan to get so much done. I plan to get errands over with today.  I'll be off to the grocery and Sam's.  I also have a few things to take back that didn't fit. However, I have orders to fill.  I am going to work on a Burlap wreath that someone has ordered.  I will be posting the pic of it as soon as it is finished. I have had yard signs ordered with a grand parent theme, so I'll be working on them also!

My mother, who owns a Merle Norman Studio in Morehead, is going to place many of my items in her shop.  I need to get busy on making those items also. This is shaping up to be a VERY busy week off.  Have a great day!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The day after!

This has been the  best Christmas ever!  Our kids (Emily-23, Caleb-20 and Braxton-15) were all here and we had a priceless 2 days!  We ate til our hearts were content, played games and opened an abundance of gifts.  Most of all, we felt love and peace in our home.  We are so blessed!

After days of family, friends and lots of good is all over.  I have taken down 2 trees and cleaned up the sign of Christmas at the Pickle house.

I received an early Christmas was a Cricut Expression 2...I can't wait to play around with it and see what I can create.  I have made 4 UK serving platters and toy boxes for my Great Niece and Nephew.  I will be posting all of my "gift" items, along with the price and ordering instructions.

Hope to hear from you soon!
Johnna Pickle